
Can't fight to save your life?  At least you can look the part!

Now you can Fight the Good Fight in style!

School of Martial Arts T-Shirt
(comes in medium, large & extra large)
Holy Trinity School of Martial Arts T-Shirt - front
Holy Trinity School of Martial Arts T-Shirt - back
Front: Holy Trinity School of Martial Arts
Back: Christianity with Punch


School of Martial Arts Singlet
(comes in small, medium & large)
Holy Trinity School of Martial Arts singlet - front
Holy Trinity School of Martial Arts singlet - back
Front: Holy Trinity School of Martial Arts
Back: Christianity with Punch


Say No to Drugs T-Shirt
(comes in medium, large & extra large)
Say NO to Drugs T-Shirt - front
Say NO to Drugs T-Shirt - back
Front: Say NO to Drugs
Back: Say YES to Jesus


Order of the Fighting Fathers T-Shirt
(comes in medium, large & extra large)
Fighting Fathers T-Shirt - front
Fighting Fathers T-Shirt - back
Front: Order of the Fighting Fathers
Back: Fighting for things worth Fighting for

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(postage in Australia is free)


Please leave size details on payment page

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